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Virtual - Kickin’ It Irish ☘️

Saturday March 6, 2021 All Day
VirtualSt. Paul MN 55104


Bring the Kickin’ It Irish dancers and band into your home for a newly filmed production of 2021 Kickin’ It Irish!

Purchase access to the digital version available for streaming beginning March 6, 2021.

Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day in true Irish style with Kickin’ It Irish. Kickin’ It Irish is a modern fusion of show-style Irish dance and live Irish music.

Kickin’ It Irish makes its home in the music rooms and dance studios of the Celtic Junction Arts Center which is recognized as “Best Irish American Center” by IrishCentral’s Creativity and Arts Awards. The trad music venue, arts center, and educational facility is home to O’Shea Irish Dance and the Center for Irish Music. Both organizations have a hand in training these young performers into the professionals they are. Many of the young people you see grew up playing dancing and playing music in the Celtic Junction hallways.


All ages


$20 to Access Virtual Kickin' It Irish 2021


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